
Welcome, one and all.

I began this little blog simply because I'd missed blogging about stuff, and decided that since I spend so much of my time reading and watching films and TV shows, it would perhaps be a benefit if I actually took the time to write about them. I'm new at this though - so please accept my apologies while I workout the kinks in my reviewing technique.

I'm always looking for new books to read and new films to watch and new TV shows I might like, so feel free to suggest stuff in a friendly comment. I don't have a problem with you disagreeing with me over my opinions too. In fact, please do tell me what you think, though please leave offensive statements and personal insults out of the comments and off my blog. That is my only rule.

Every so often I will post a poll at the top of the page, just under the navigational bar, for you to vote for which book or film or TV series I should review next. Obviously it will take me time to finish whatever book I'm reading, and whatnot, so please be patient in letting the poll options change and waiting for the review to appear. I am only human, and I am a university student - I have multiple responsibilities on my plate.

Still, I hope you enjoy my reviews, find them helpful even and I thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet. 

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